It was the beginning of the beginning of A.D.
To make out the difference between men and animals had been very difficult. The animals and men had been looking out for the line that divided them into two, but most often they had failed to locate the same. Men often found themselves among animals and animals often among men. Throughout their life, they had been in an utter confusion in making out their siblings, who are who? They had been living such a life of confusion and mess up.
When the men are seen among animals as part of them, they were called slaves; and when animals are seen among men, they were called lords- the owners. The two-legged animals who lived along with four-legged took utmost care of the four-legged. They protected them from wolves and other cruel enemies, fighting with teeth and nail incurring wounds and fractures. They so loved one another. As were the four-legged, so were the two-legged; no home, no permanent spouse nor their own children. They - the two-legged - wandered along with four-legged, ate fodder with them, slept in plains along with them and sexed with them. They had been deprived of all facilities that had been being enjoyed by the animals called lords or owners lived in big mansions. They lived full naked or half naked, they had not been aware of the nakedness. They were used to living beast-life. By the way of life, gradually, they had maintained their minds and thoughts like that of their four-legged comrades. Mentally they had been transformed back to animals, the inverse of Darwinian Theory had been in action in those days without its discovery and without Darwin's permission.
As they had gone mad, they possessed beast like vigor and strength which was necessary to protect their four-legged comrades. So the animals among men, the owners, would often torture these creatures to drive them mad and to get the benefit of it in terms of strength and vigor. Those who didn’t have possessed enough strength would have been killed by the owners mercilessly as it had been a waste and loss maintaining such good for nothing slaves. Usually, the two-legged beasts, the slaves, had afflicted with wounds all over their bodies; from the field by the wolves and from their stables by their owners – the other wolves. If any wound or lame on anyone of the folk found, the slaves needed to answer and pay the price in terms of getting whipping and blood shedding.
It was a foggy winter day in Galilee and its surroundings. The Gadarenes was against and nearby Galilee. All Gadarenes was under the canopy of gray fog. A hill stood in Gadarenes old aged and gray-haired as it had hidden its head in the gray fog. A beautiful lake was washing the foot of the hill, below in the valley. A mild breeze was blowing gently along the hill and its valley; the fog streamed along with it floating in the air. It seemed like a grandpa, sitting invisibly somewhere, blowing cigar smoke gently from his mouth to spread all over the atmosphere. On the bulged belly of the hill, a herd of pigs had been being pastured. A little far away from pigs, there was a graveyard with full of tombs. Among the tombs, a two-legged had been lying watching carefully his four-legged comrades, the pigs. He had bleeding wounds all over his body, at a glance, his body was crying in red tears. The owner-beasts had chained him there among those tombs, but before his mad and vigorous strength iron chains had failed to serve the purpose. Nothing had enough strength to hold him to a stake, but the then social system stood before him as an unbreakable chain.
In the lake below, he could see the sail of a boat approaching from the other side to the hill foot. In a short time, it kissed the foot of the hill and the sail folded down. A man tall but slim got down from the boat onto the bank. He took his cloak from his shoulder and covered well again to protect himself from the cold fog and looked upward in the direction of the graveyard that covered with tombs. Then he began to climb the hill with stern pace. He made his way through the grazing pigs. They grunted seeing a stranger encroaching on their territory. Having heard the grunt, the two-legged stood up among the tombs. Yes, the man who got down from the boat was approaching him. The two-legged observed well enough him to understand that he was a free man. His gait and dress had proclaimed it well. He walked confidently and peacefully hiding a small smile in the corners of his mouth. He had upheld his head and a unique glare had been emitting from his eyes.
“Sure he is a lord”, he murmured in his mind. But he didn’t see a tormenting rod or sword in his hand. “For what, other than to torture me, he approaches?”, he was certain. No other custom till that moment he, the two-legged, had neither remembered nor experienced. He checked well himself once more, “no, I am strong enough, no need to kill me, still I am useful and I have not committed any mistake. The entire herd is well, nothing has lost. Then why ……..? ”. He began shouting and crying, “Lord what have you to do with me? Do not torment me”.
The man asked him very calmly and sternly, “who are you?”
He answered, “we are many, legion”.
In those days, as slave herdsmen didn’t have any identity, they would have been addressed in the number and names of their owners.
Again the man commanded, “Come out of this man.” For that, the two-legged replied, “no, the pigs”. “Yes, the pigs are yours go to them but free the man”, the man commanded once more.
Suddenly the two-legged lost his beastly strength and the control he had on the herd. The herd of pigs began to move along the slope of the hill like a white stream to the lake and dissolved in it and drowned. The two-legged came to a different state of mind and he felt the breeze, enjoyed the lake and floating fog in the atmosphere, he found beauty everywhere. The blue lake, the green hill with bulged paunch and azure sky altogether had made a marvelous scene that he had never enjoyed before in his life. He felt like a shell had fallen away from him. He sat at the side of the one who freed him.
But the village had been stirred hearing the news. The streams turbulent with the men of hatred, anger, revenge and fit of rage began to flow towards the man who freed the slave herdsman. He was standing on the bank of that beautiful lake with his calm and quite disposition hiding that usual small smile somewhere in the corners of his mouth. Turbulent streams which flowed from different directions, when reached his feet, pacified and dissolved in the pacific ocean of the disposition that he held. The men stood bowed and begged him humbly to leave the village.
They begged, “Please, our herds, our wealth, our economy, Leave the village”. They were also getting the disposition that the man radiating there and they were also being transformed from beasts-in-mansions to men. Yes, Darwin’s theory, without his discovery and awareness, was working in its full swing there. The man obeyed the request and stepped into the boat, the sail opened and spread. The boat began to float and flow along the breeze. Suddenly he, the freed slave, wide opened his both arms in the atmosphere towards the sky and shouted,
“Jesus, Lord and savior, let me follow you”.
The loud reply came from the boat which was moving in the blue water,
“Go home, and show yourself”.
Both the shout and reply echoed in the valley, dissolved in the mist that canopied the atmosphere and began to move with a new spirit through the villages, cities, nations and continents, washing souls to white.
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